yet another ts problem
Martyn Plummer
Fri, 14 May 1999 19:31:01 +0200
Paul Gilbert wrote:
> Splus 3.3 has "[.its", "[.cts", and "[.rts", the class methods for time series.
> However, I haven't used them much and I have no idea if they work properly.
Splus time series do preserve their class: an irregular subset of an rts
or its (irregular) yields an its, and a regular subset of either yields an rts.
Since time series are classed objects in R, they are more like Splus "rts"
objects than vanilla S time series: hence the idea that subsetting should
the class (yes I am responsible for this, and I'm REALLY sorry about the
> Martyn Plummer wrote:
> >An alternative to using "[.ts" to take row subsets would be to
> >expand the window.ts() function to include a "freq" or "deltat"
> >argument.
> I don't see why this should be necessary? window works with dates and
> automatically knows the frequency of the object.
Perhaps I wasn't very clear. There are three ways to take a subset
of a regular time series that yield another regular time series:
1) Take all observations after "start"
2) Take all observations before "end"
3) Take all observations where time between "start" and the observation
is a multiple of "deltat".
We all agree that "[.ts" isn't the place to do this. Since window.ts
already does 1) and 2), I propose extending it to do 3) too. Maybe
this is silly. Maybe nobody else wants to do this. But anyway, the
code is below. YMMV.
"window.ts" <-
function (x, start, end, frequency, deltat)
x <- as.ts(x)
xtsp <- tsp(x)
xfreq <- xtsp[3]
xtime <- time(x)
ts.eps <- .Options$ts.eps
if (missing(frequency) && missing(deltat))
yfreq <- xfreq
else if (missing(deltat))
yfreq <- frequency
else if (missing(frequency))
yfreq <- 1/deltat
if (xfreq%%yfreq < ts.eps) {
thin <- round(xfreq/yfreq)
yfreq <- xfreq/thin
else {
thin <- 1
yfreq <- xfreq
warning("Frequency not changed")
start <- if (missing(start))
else switch(length(start), start, start[1] + (start[2] -
1)/xfreq, stop("Bad value for start"))
if (start < xtsp[1]) {
start <- xtsp[1]
warning("start value not changed")
end <- if (missing(end))
else switch(length(end), end, end[1] + (end[2] - 1)/xfreq,
stop("Bad value for end"))
if (end > xtsp[2]) {
end <- xtsp[2]
warning("end value not changed")
if (start > end)
stop("start cannot be after end")
if (all(abs(start - xtime) > abs(start) * ts.eps)) {
start <- xtime[(xtime > start) & ((start + 1/xfreq) >
if (all(abs(end - xtime) > abs(end) * ts.eps)) {
end <- xtime[(xtime < end) & ((end - 1/xfreq) < xtime)]
i <- seq(trunc((start - xtsp[1]) * xfreq + 1.5), trunc((end -
xtsp[1]) * xfreq + 1.5), by = thin)
y <- if (is.matrix(x))
x[i, , drop = FALSE]
else x[i]
ystart <- xtime[i[1]]
yend <- xtime[i[length(i)]]
tsp(y) <- c(ystart, yend, yfreq)
function (x, i, j, drop = TRUE)
y <- NextMethod("[")
if (missing(i))
ts(y, start = start(x), freq = frequency(x))
else y
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