nlm docs (PR#146)

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <>
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 14:48:56 +0100

>>>>> "PD" == Peter Dalgaard BSA <> writes:

    PD> writes:
    >> In R.63.3, in the docs for nlm the section on code is messed up.
    >> (apparently there is a problem in the commands in the Rd-file)
    >> Patrick.

    PD> Thanks. This is the kind of documentation bug that so easily goes
    PD> unreported. Keep 'em coming.

Yes, indeed!

The above bug is actually not a problem in
but in the code in	  

The construct
	\item{1:}{bla bla}
	\item{2:}{blech blech}

is well translated to  both  LaTeX  and HTML, 
but not to NROFF (basis for ASCII). 
===>  Any help from  "Roff" knowledgables ????
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