exists finds objects lots of places! (PR#142)
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 18:10:03 +0100
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 oncley@ucar.edu wrote:
> Full_Name: Steve Oncley
> Version: 0.63.3
> OS: Redhat5.2 i386
> Submission from: (
> "exists" finds object UP TO the position it is in
> whereas, S+ only finds the one position where the object is:
"It's not a bug, it's a feature"
R> args(exists)
function (x, where = -1, envir = pos.to.env(where), frame, mode = "any",
inherits = TRUE)
You need to use inherits=F to search only the specified position.>
R> search()
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "Autoloads" "package:base"
R> exists("ls",2)
[1] TRUE
R> exists("ls",2,inherits=F)
Thomas Lumley
Assistant Professor,Biostatistics
University of Washington, Seattle
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