save.image() (PR#212)

Kurt Hornik
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:07:15 +0200 (CEST)

>>>>> p dalgaard writes:

> Jonathan Rougier <> writes:
>> Would it be reasonable to suggest adding an `all' flag to save.image(),
>> i.e.
>> "save.image" <-
>> function (f = ".RData", all.names = F) 
>> eval(substitute(save(list = ls(all.names = all.names), file = f)),
>> .GlobalEnv)

> I believe this is simply a bug. I see no reason to skip the
> dot-objects. 

> [current save.image has ...list=ls()...]

> CC-ed to r-bugs.

Ok, changed to ls(all.names = TRUE).

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