Compilation fails (PR#209)

Kurt Hornik
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:56:32 +0200 (CEST)

>>>>> beimfohr  writes:

> Full_Name: Frank Beimfohr
> Version: 0.64.1, devel.
> OS: Solaris 2.5.1
> Submission from: (NULL) (

> I try to compile R on my Sparc 4 (Solaris 2.5.1) but the compilation
> fails. I tried the developer-version and the contributed
> 0.64.1-Version.  I start configure with the --g77-Option. During the
> compilation it stops with an

> error, which says that the R/src/library/modreg/src/bsplvd.f isn't a
> valid Fortran77-File. Then, I installed f2c. But the compilation fails
> again with the message:

> gcc: unrecognized option `-PIC'

which should not be there.

Can you pls send

* the exact configure and make command you issued

* the final output of configure, such as

R is now configured for i586-unknown-linux

  Source directory:         /home/Hornik/src/apps/R/r-devel/R
  Installation directory:   /usr/local
  C compiler:               gcc -O2 -g -Wall
  FORTRAN compiler:         g77 -O2
  Gnome support:            no


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