segfault on Sparc Linux (RH6.0)

Vin Everett
Mon, 05 Jul 1999 16:56:12 +0100

Hello Peter,

I hope this is more helpful ?

-g flag, using g77 version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release) (from FSF-g77 version 0.5.24-19981002)

And srpms R-base-0.64.1-6.src.rpm

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
hqr2_ (nm=0x1, n=0x70d99fc8, low=0xefffed94, igh=0xefffed90, h=0x70d99f80, 
    wr=0x70d99f68, wi=0x70d99f50, z=0x70d99f00, ierr=0x70d99ed0)
    at eigen.f:2120
2120                   RA = RA + H(I,J) * H(J,NA)
Current language:  auto; currently fortran
(gdb) bt
#0  hqr2_ (nm=0x1, n=0x70d99fc8, low=0xefffed94, igh=0xefffed90, h=0x70d99f80, 
    wr=0x70d99f68, wi=0x70d99f50, z=0x70d99f00, ierr=0x70d99ed0)
    at eigen.f:2120
#1  0xb4c10 in rg_ (nm=0x70d99fd0, n=0x70d99fc8, a=0x70d99f80, wr=0x70d99f68, 
    wi=0x70d99f50, matz=0x70d99f48, z=0x70d99f00, iv1=0x70d99ef0, 
    fv1=0x70d99ed8, ierr=0x70d99ed0) at eigen.f:3263
#2  0x3909c in do_dotCode (call=0x70421f64, op=0x70421b90, args=0x70679f28, 
    env=0x7067791c) at dotcode.c:386
#3  0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x70421f64, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#4  0x41118 in do_set (call=0x70421fa0, op=0x702d4828, args=0x70421f8c, 
    rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:761
#5  0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x70421fa0, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#6  0x40b58 in do_begin (call=0x70421fb4, op=0x702d48c8, args=0x70421fc8, 
    rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:588
#7  0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x70421fb4, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#8  0x40280 in do_if (call=0x70422ef0, op=0x702d44b8, args=0x70422edc, 
    rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:379
#9  0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x70422ef0, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#10 0x40b58 in do_begin (call=0x70422f04, op=0x702d48c8, args=0x70422f18, 
    rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:588
#11 0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x70422f04, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#12 0x40280 in do_if (call=0x70423120, op=0x702d44b8, args=0x7042310c, 
    rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:379
#13 0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x70423120, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#14 0x40b58 in do_begin (call=0x7041eddc, op=0x702d48c8, args=0x70423134, 
    rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:588
#15 0x3fc7c in eval (e=0x7041eddc, rho=0x7067791c) at eval.c:180
#16 0x3ffcc in applyClosure (call=0x70677868, op=0x7042347c, 
    arglist=0x706778cc, rho=0x702dca50, suppliedenv=0x702d4008) at eval.c:293
#17 0x3fcf0 in eval (e=0x70677868, rho=0x702dca50) at eval.c:189
#18 0x53768 in R_ReplConsole (rho=0x702dca50, savestack=0, browselevel=0)
    at main.c:274
#19 0x53bd0 in mainloop () at main.c:465
#20 0xa0b38 in main (ac=0, av=0xeffffc84) at system.c:641
#21 0x701eb8d0 in __libc_start_main () at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:78

Cheers Vin

Vin Everett                   email:
Medical Research Council      voice:  +44 (0) 1223 330381 
Biostatistics Unit            fax:    +44 (0) 1223 330383 
Cambridge                     mobile: +44 (0) 468 828238 
Key fingerprint =  69 CE C7 59 9B 7C AB 57  B0 B5 47 2A 1E 99 49 30

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