HREFS for private packages - fixed? (PR#19)

Friedrich Leisch
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 11:39:47 +0100 (CET)

I committed the bug fixes.


>>>>> On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 09:41:59 +0100 (CET),
>>>>> Friedrich Leisch (FL) wrote:

>>>>> On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 12:42:01 -0500,
>>>>> Paul Gilbert (PG) wrote:

PG> Friedrich
PG> Just to make sure we're taking about the same problem, if I do

PG> R INSTALL               dse

PG> everything works fine (so that is what I've been using) but if I do

PG> R INSTALL           -l rlibs  dse

PG> I get the problem we are discussing. My understanding is that this is suppose to
PG> install in the subdirectory rlib under where I run it, not in RHOME. The code
PG> installs fine like this but the pointer in the HTML gets messed up.

FL> Yes, that's exactly what I was meaning. IMO, only


FL> should change the global packages file, because only the we have
FL> guarantee that a user can actually access the installed packages
FL> (anything installed somewhere else might belong to somebody different
FL> etc.).

FL> So

FL> 	R INSTALL -l rlibs  dse

FL> shouldn't modify the global packages file, as a new one conforming to
FL> the current .lib.loc get's built anyway when running help.start().

FL> Any objections if I commit that change?

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