cm.colors bug (PR#244)
Mon, 9 Aug 1999 17:47:57 +0200 (MET DST)
Full_Name: David M. Potter
Version: 0.64.1
OS: solaris 2.6
Submission from: (NULL) (
cm.colors() returns an extra element "1":
> cm.colors(10)
"#FF99FF" "#FF7FFF" "1"
Why I think it happens
The function has an unnecessary right parentheses
immediately preceding ", v=1" which causes the "v=1" to
be added to the vector rather than being interpreted as an
argument to hsv().
> cm.colors
function (n)
k <- n%/%2
if (2 * k == n) {
c(hsv(h = 6/12, s = seq(0.5, 0, length = k + 1)[-k -
1], v = 1), hsv(h = 10/12, s = seq(0, 0.5, length = n -
k + 1)[-1]), v = 1)
else {
c(hsv(h = 6/12, s = seq(0.5, 0, length = k + 1), v = 1),
hsv(h = 10/12, s = seq(0, 0.5, length = n - k)[-1]),
v = 1)
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