INSTALL script does not handle spaces in pathnames correctly (PR#242)
Sat, 7 Aug 1999 02:03:42 +0200 (MET DST)

Full_Name: Lyndon Drake
Version: Version 0.65.0 Under development (unstable) (August 07, 1999)
OS: Linux 2.2.2
Submission from: (NULL) (

I was attempting to install the DSE package from a directory whose
pathname includes spaces.  The INSTALL script interprets spaces in
the pathname as a separator.  For example:

[lyndon@beat Rdse]$ pwd
/home/lyndon/doc/uni/415.704 Computer Systems Peformance Analysis/R/Rdse
[lyndon@beat Rdse]$ ~/src/cvs-stuff/R/bin/R INSTALL --no-docs -l ../lib/
/home/lyndon/src/cvs-stuff/R/bin/INSTALL: /home/lyndon/doc/uni/415.704: No such
file or directory
Installing package `415.704' ...
  No man pages found in package `415.704'
 DONE (415.704)

Installing package `Computer' ...
  No man pages found in package `Computer'
 DONE (Computer)

Installing package `Systems' ...
  No man pages found in package `Systems'
 DONE (Systems)

Installing package `Peformance' ...
  No man pages found in package `Peformance'
 DONE (Peformance)

/home/lyndon/src/cvs-stuff/R/bin/INSTALL: Analysis/R/Rdse/syskern: No such file
or directory
Installing package `syskern' ...
  No man pages found in package `syskern'
 DONE (syskern)


One possibility would be to change the separator used in the install
script from a space to a colon.

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