tabulate causes segmentation fault (PR#156)

Bill Venables
Sun, 4 Apr 1999 15:41:49 +0930 (CST)

OK, I have a few noodles around my ears...  

The fix I gave for tabulate can cause problems with factors (and
breaks truehist in the MASS library!).  Here is a further
refinement, which is now getting a little messy, I do admit, but
I'm pretty sure this covers it.  (At least truehist works...)

--(begin tabulate.R)--
tabulate <- function (bin, nbins = max(bin)) {
    if (!is.numeric(bin) && !is.factor(bin)) 
        stop("tabulate: bin must be numeric or a factor")
    nbins <- max(0, nbins)

    if (!missing(nbins)) {
      if (is.factor(bin))
        bin <- unclass(bin)
      if (!all(OK <- (bin <= nbins)))
        bin <- bin[OK]

    n <- length(bin)
    storage.mode(bin) <- "integer"
    .C("tabulate", bin, n, ans = integer(nbins))$ans
--(end tabulate.R)--
Bill Venables.
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