add-on packages

Kurt Hornik
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 19:09:41 +0200 (CEST)

It looks like we'll have a 0.64 release by next week.  This should be a
good time for bringing the add-on packages up-to-date as well.  Fixes
should include

* eliminate src-c

* provide complete DESCRIPTION, INDEX and TITLE files with consistent
formatting.  Also please be specific about the copyright/license info.

* provide data indices where applicable (last time I counted, 26 pkgs
had data but only 9 a data index).

The preferred name for the data index is now `00Index' rather than
`index.doc'.  If data files are found but no index, then data() will
give a WARNING when used for listing.

Also, there is now a subdirectory `inst' the contents of which will be
copied recursively (using `cp -r') to the root target dir upon
installation.  This may be useful in particular for copyright info etc
that should be installed along with the package.

It would be great if maintainers could rework their packages
accordingly, which should not be too much effort.  (Includes work for me
too ...)

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