Nov 5 R-devel build on hpux10.20
U-E59264-Osman F Buyukisik
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:02:28 -0500 (EST)
{Osman, I see that you are now in R-devel; your message to
R-help bounced, because of XsubscribeX (w/o "X") in text.
Martin Maechler; list manager}
I grabbed the nov 5 devel tarball and built the system. I had to make
hand changes to "readline" stuff. I also had to change build-help mod
to +x. Now library(xxx) is not working. I had to change eda and mva
zzz.R files by hand so that shared lib ext was set to ".sl" not ".so".
Still I can't get it to work.
R : Copyright 1998, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.63.0 Unstable (November 5, 1998)
> library(mva)
Error: dynamic library `' not found
but if I do :
> dyn.load("/home/xxxxx/local/share/R/library/mva/libs/")
it loads OK.
Is the initial env hosed? I could not step thru the library
routine. Debug does not step into the "if" braces.
> library()
Packages in library `/home/xxxxx/local/share/R/library':
base The R base package
eda Exploratory Data Analysis
modreg Modern regression: smoothing and local methods
mva Classical Multivariate Analysis
stepfun Step Functions, including Empirical Distributions
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