RFC: spline / splinefun (etc) amalgamation

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Tue, 26 May 1998 07:55:49 +0200 (CEST)

>>>>> Ross Ihaka writes:

> At present R has separate functions "spline" and "splinefun".  The first
> of these carries out spline interpolation of a data set and returns the
> interpolated values; the second returns the interpolating function itself
> (approx and approxfun are similar).

> I would like to combine these into a single function "spline" with
> an (optional) argument which determines which kind of value is returned.
> E.g.

> 	spline(x,y)        # return interpolated function
> 	spline(x,y,fun=T)  # return the interpolating function

> I would also like to propose this as a standard for smoothing and
> interpolating functions.  This has a couple of advantages - fewer
> names to remember and, the ability to use the function form in
> model fitting code ("predict" for example).

> Any objections or comments?

should in general return the FUNCTION (more precisely, a function
object of an appropriate class), and the values would be obtained
via predict()?


(May not be BBC, though ...)
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