documentation for "vector"

Douglas Bates
20 Mar 1998 18:36:21 -0600

Douglas Bates <> writes:

> The documentation for "vector" indicates that "length" will default to 0.
>    Vector Types
>         vector(type="logical", length=0)
>         as.vector(x,mode="any")
>         is.vector(x)
> The function itself disagrees.
>  R> vector("list")
>  Error: 1 argument passed to "vector" which requires 2.

I apologize for not indicating this in my earlier message.  This
behaviour is with

 R : Copyright 1998, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
 Version 0.61.2 Alpha (March 15, 1998)

on a Debian GNU/Linux system running libc6.
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