a handy function "format.cardinal", looking for a proper name..
Friedrich Leisch
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 12:25:13 +0100
>>>>> On Thu, 19 Mar 1998 12:21:39 +0100,
>>>>> Martin Maechler (MM) wrote:
>>>>> "Philippe" == Philippe Lambert <phlamber@luc.ac.be> writes:
Philippe> On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>> This is not a nice name (format is generic; cardinal is not a class)
>>> for a nice function, which I would like in several places in R code
>>> and therefore would like to become part of R (under a better name !)
>>> format.cardinal <- function(i, sep="") paste(i,
>>> c("st","nd","rd","th")[pmin(4,i)], sep=sep)
>>> # Try format.cardinal(sample(1:20))
Philippe> Isn't it a problem?
MM> Oh yes, course!
>>> format.cardinal(22)
Philippe> [1] "22th"
MM> Thank you Philippe!
MM> So, the function will become a bit more complicated.
MM> The following would be better, but is not yet the solution
MM> [and yes, I must consult an English dictionnary or such...].
is probably a good idea :-)
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