``nlm(.) with derivatives''
Douglas Bates
18 Mar 1998 09:17:31 -0600
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> writes:
> >>>>> "DougB" == Douglas Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu> writes:
> DougB> .......
> DougB> ....... { time comparisons in testing lme(..) for R }
> DougB> .......
> DougB> This can be expected to run faster when a version of nlm that accepts
> DougB> gradients and Hessians is available. ---
> Doug, do I understand properly that it won't be you
> who will work on this?
Like Ross I am spread a little thinly at the moment and I can't in
good conscience free up the time to work on this. Sorry but you are
correct, I will not be working on this in the near future.
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