
Bill Simpson Bill Simpson <>
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 14:32:37 -0500 (CDT)

> > Sorry, my previous message said using lty="2" made line disappear.  Wrong.
> > 
> > What happens is that
> > "2" is dots
> > "3" is dashes
> > 
> > BUT docs say
> > "2" is dashes
> > "3" is dots
> > 
> > So there is an error in the docs.
> Nope:
> 	lty=1 solid
> 	lty=2 dashed
> 	lty=3 dotted
> 	lty=4 dotdashed
> 	lty="1" pattern: 1 "dot" on, 1 "dot" off
> 	lty="2" pattern: 2 "dots" on, 2 "dots" off
> 	lty="3" pattern: 3 "dots" on, 3 "dots" off
> 	lty="32" pattern: 3 "dots" on, 2 "dots" off
> 	lty="124" pattern: 1 on, 2 off, 4 on, 1 off, 2 on, 4 off, 
> 	...and so forth...

Peter, to me (and this is English language) "dot" is shorter than "dash"!
dot dash dot dash dash.

So "dot" SHOULD be label for lty="2" pattern: 2 "dots" on, 2 "dots" off
And "dash" SHOULD be label for lty="3" pattern: 3 "dots" on, 3 "dots" off.
Since dot is shorter than dash.

> You can see this clearly if you start with par(lwd=5). As far as I can
> see without actually digging into the source,
This is answer to previous posting on lwd.  So it is there, just not
documented. Thanks.

> The dot-dash pattern on X11 looks wrong, though. I think it should
> have been "1343", i.e. same pattern, reverse colors.
My comments above were based on viewing saved plot with ghostview and
actually printing it with ghostscript.


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