Default device instead of ``No graphics device is active''

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <>
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:38:16 +0100

in RHOME/src/ :
	grep DevInit */*.[ch]
reveals only a few calls such as

	if(!DevInit) error("No graphics device is active\n");

(in graphics/graphics.c  and  main/par.c).

Couldn't we startup a default device instead of having the error message?

The Default device would be

	Unix, interactive:	x11
	Unix, batch:		postscript
	Win,  interactive:	windows
	Win,  batch:		postscript ??

	Mac,  interactive:	macintosh
	Mac,  batch:		postscript  ????

[ one could even  define

	default.device <- x11		
  in Rprofile.unix, etc.

 and have the same .First function  
	(which could be moved out of profile to base

  .First <- function() if(interactive()) default.device()

-- If I remember properly, this is also  how S4 behaves..

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