Submissions to CRAN
Friedrich Leisch
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:06:15 +0100
Hi again,
a fortnight ago I've sent an email concerning the package format for
submissions to CRAN ... it turned out that
a) my english wasn't good enough and
b) I hadn't given it enough thought :-)
Anyway, after some discussion here on this list (and some direct
emails) here is a new proposal summing everything up:
Every package should contain a file called DESCRIPTION in the top
directory (the one containing the R, man, src, ... dirs) looking like:
Package: e1071
Version: 0.7-3
Author: Compiled by Fritz Leisch <>.
Description: Miscellaneous functions used at the Department of
Statistics at TU Wien (E1071).
License: GPL version 2 or later
I've changed `Copyright' to `License'. This field should contain a
general phrase or well-known abbreviation, maybe followed by a
reference to the actual License file.
License: GPL version 2 or later
License: Free for non-commercial use, see the file COPYRIGHT for details
Is this OK with everybody?
The second thing is, if we want to have a single tar ball for each
package, or if one tar ball can contain several (closely related)
packages (like the dse tar file currently in CRAN/src/contrib/devel)
I'm not sure ... (first I said `No!', than Paul said `Why?' and I had no
good answer so I said `Don't know') ... any preferences?
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