Another Rdse question

Paul Gilbert
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 13:20:48 -0500

>Error in .Fortran("arma", pred = matrix(1e+20, predictT, p),
>as.integer(length(error.weights)),  : C/Fortran function not in load table

I think what is happening is that the compiled code is not getting loaded. There
was a message the other day on r-devel about a bug in library.dynam which may be
causing the problem. I've lost the message, but as I recall (someone please
correct me if I'm wrong), if you save your workspace when you q() (ie. create
the .RData file) then when it is reloads it loads a variable .Dyn.libs which
indicates libraries which have been loaded (even though they are not yet loaded
in the new session). I think if you
before you do
then it may work.

Paul Gilbert

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