line plot with NA

Anthony Rossini
01 Apr 1998 15:29:08 -0500

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Simpson <> writes:

    Bill> (See why I am using NA? I can work around this problem by using
    Bill> intensityan and intensitycb)

    Bill> Now do a plot of peakan:
    Bill> plot(intensity, peakan, pch=10,type="b") 

    Bill> The plot skips the point (260000,NA), but no  line beyond x=260,000.

    Bill> I think the behaviour should be to draw a line between
    Bill> (180000,7.4) and (310000,8.4).

I respectfully disagree.  If the data were in fact longitudinal data,
with missing observations, one valid scenario would be to halt, which
is what is happening.  

Maybe a na.omit flag would be appropriate for plot?  (is there one?
I'm just speculating, not having easy access to R or Splus today).


Anthony Rossini
Manifold Graphics / Epimetrics
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