R-alpha: set.seed(.) [was 'compatibility']
Martin Maechler
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Mon, 15 Sep 1997 15:48:09 +0200
>>>>> Thomas Lumley writes:
>> Two compatibility issues found while trying to convert a simulation
>> from S to R.
>> 1. set.seed() We don't have this function. According to Venables &
>> Ripley it just picks a seed from a list of 1000 possibilities. How about
>> "set.seed" <-function (i)
>> {
>> if (any(i > 1000) | any(i < 1))
>> stop("argument to set.seed() must be in 1:1000")
>> if (any(i != trunc(i)))
>> stop("argument to set.seed()must be an integer")
>> .Random.seed <<- as.integer((200 * c(i, i^2, i^3))%%c(30269,
>> 30307, 30323))
>> }
Thank you Thomas,
yes I agree that we should have a set.seed(.).
{{now follows a longish explanation about what S-plus does, etc..
at the end a better (?) proposal for set.seed
When I first thought about implementing set.seed(.) in R,
I tried to understand what S-plus does (and did not succeed).
In the mean time, I have re-investigated and found almost ``everything'' :
S-plus 3.4 *help* says
Sp3.4>> Puts the random number generator in a reproducible state.
Sp3.4>> USAGE:
Sp3.4>> set.seed(i)
Sp3.4>> i: be an integer between 0 and 1000.
Sp3.4>> Sets the value of the .Random.seed object in the working
Sp3.4>> directory.
Sp3.4>> DETAILS:
Sp3.4>> Random number generators in S-PLUS are all based upon a
Sp3.4>> single uniform random number generator that generates
Sp3.4>> numbers in a very long, but ultimately periodic sequence.
Sp3.4>> The position in the sequence is held in object
Sp3.4>> .Random.seed. Function set.seed sets .Random.seed so that
Sp3.4>> subsequent calls to random number generator functions
Sp3.4>> (runif, rnorm, etc.) will generate numbers from a new
Sp3.4>> portion of the overall cycle.
Sp3.4>> Random number generation in S-PLUS is adapted from
Sp3.4>> Marsaglia (1973); see Kennedy and Gentle (1980) for
Sp3.4>> background information.
So they __say__ ``i in 0:1000'', but the
problem is that set.seed(i) also ``works'' with any other integer i.
But what exactly should happen?
The crucial sentence is (as vague as)
Sp3.4>> Function set.seed sets .Random.seed so that
Sp3.4>> subsequent calls to random number generator functions (runif...)
Sp3.4>> will generate numbers from a new portion of the overall cycle.
The intent being that for ANY i,j (i!=j) set.seed(i) and set.seed(j) would
choose ``distant'' parts of the periodic cycle.
Unfortunately, we don't know what exactly happens in
the S-plus code for set.seed(i), namely, .C("setseed", as.integer(i))
However, I have found out the following which should suffice :
1) Only .Random.seed[4:6] are varyied by set.seed, i.e.,
after set.seed(i), .Random.seed always is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[1] 21 14 49 * * * 32 22 36 23 28 3
X4 X5 X6
Which means that only the 'congrval' {Venables & Ripley, 2nd ed., p.166-167}
is varied
2) X4 is always == 16*((i+2) %% 4)
X5 takes (all) values in 0:63 [also with some periodicity]
X6 takes the values of 0:3
3) set.seed(i) <==> set.seed(i + n*1024) for all integers n, i
4) { set.seed(i) ; i \in {integers}}
results in a set of 1024 different values of 'congrval'.
These values are EXACTLY EQUISPACED lying in {0,..,2^32}.
If C[1:1024] are these sorted values, we have
C[i] == 201621 + (i-1)* 2^22 , for i in 1:1024
So far for S-plus.
Now, in R with a different basic RNG (with a longer period),
-- see ?.Random.seed --
we would want set.seed(i)
to also guarantee that the locations in the periodic cycle are far apart.
I think (but may be wrong; I must do other things now !!)
this can be better achieved by just changing one of the 3 congruential
generators involved.
This leads to the following proposal :
set.seed <- function (i)
if(length(i) != 1 || i != (ii <- as.integer(i)))
stop("argument to set.seed() must be integer(1)")
i <- ii
if (i > 1024 || i < 1) {
warning("set.seed(i) has i outside 1:1024; taking i %% 1024")
i <- i %% 1024; if(i <= 0) i <- i+ 1024
invisible(.Random.seed <<- as.integer(c((171*i)%%30269, 10909, 10111)))
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> <><
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