R-alpha: c(..., a) fails [in a function(x, ...)]

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:40:36 +0100

A minor inconsistency to  S  which can (I think did) break existing code
(ported from S to R):
In R, the  "..." arguments cannot be passed to 'c(..)' :

  ex3.. <- function(...) c(...,exp(1))
  ex3..()# 2.718282
  ##R  Error: ... used in an incorrect context
  ex3..(1:2)# 1 2  2.718282
  ##R  Error: ... used in an incorrect context

  ##--- Only this one works in R 0.60 (Oct.28) also:
  ex4.. <- function(...) c(unlist(list(...)),exp(1))
  ex4..()# 2.718282
  ex4..(1:2)# 1 2  2.718282
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