R-alpha: This weeks bugs and requests for enhancements
Peter Dalgaard BSA
18 Oct 1997 20:32:02 +0200
Here's a number of items that came up in connection with my course for
medical ph.d. students this week:
- deals ungracefully with empty groups and factor levels not
present in grouping variable.
- no indication of what variable is being plotted
data.entry() (mostly W95 rseptbeta problems)
- Entry of first variable name doesn't take before 2nd
name is entered.
- data.entry(BW,RMR) gives two columns named BW. Quitting
dataeditor at that point *overwrites* BW with RMR!
- inserting NA is only possible by switching to character
values, entering invalid number, and switching back to numeric
- blanking a field, then exiting dataeditor crashed one system
(I *think*)
- insert/delete rows (in single column *and* range of columns)
- undo facilities and "panic button"
- use comma as decimal point (Nat.variant of W95 maps Keypad
period to comma)
- switch between vertical/horizontal cell cursor movement on
quantile() labels results as % rounded to integer, which is
kind of confusing when 2.5% and 97.5% is one of the first
things people want to try:
> quantile(rnorm(1000),c(.025,.975))
2% 98%
-2.067519 1.891768
plot() still has inconsistency with docs in xlog/ylog vs
log="xy". Which one do we want?
at some point we want to be able to specify collating
sequences for sorting character vectors. Case in point: The
Danish alphabet ends ..uvwxyzæøå , but
> sort(c("æ","ø","å"))
[1] "å" "æ" "ø"
(No such thing as a universal collating seq. E.g. Norwegian
has the same three letters in a different order. So it should
probably be via options(collate=..).
The ~ notation could be used more consistently, in particular
in t.test and friends.
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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