R-alpha: keep.order in formulae

Ross Ihaka ihaka@stat.auckland.ac.nz
Wed, 8 Oct 1997 11:33:20 +1300 (NZDT)

[ I'm teaching log-linear models at present, and looking at Agresti's
  book. ]

Often when producing analyis of variance or analysis of deviance
tables it is important to get effects fitted in a specific order.
At present in S / R this is done as follows:

	anova( glm( terms(formula, keep.order=T), ...) )

Can anyone think of a reason why keep.order should not become an
argument to "lm" and "glm", rather than forcing the use of "terms".
I.e., the above could be written:

	anova( glm(formula, ..., keep.order=T) )

Having to resort to the use of "terms" seems like a complication my
punters could do without.

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