R-alpha: "..." arg.matching [was 'Problems with dimnames and names']
Ross Ihaka
Sat, 29 Nov 1997 08:35:06 +1300 (NZDT)
> -- Now to the ``real'' one : --
> Martyn> 3) I have no idea what's going on here.
> >> c(r=1,s=2)
> Martyn> s
> Martyn> 2
> >> c(u=100,b=4)
> Martyn> b
> Martyn> 4
> Martyn> This seems to happen only for "r" and "u". Other single-letter
> Martyn> names are OK. This doesn't happen on my home PC which is still
> Martyn> running R-0.50-a1.
> Well, we (i.e., Peter and Martyn) have found *why* it happens.
> However, this is a semantic change from older versions of R and from S
> which I consider serious [a bug ?!?] an we should discuss.
This wasn't a deliberate change, just my usual incompetence.
I think it crept in when we changed c() to be a generic function
(which does method dispatch internally).
The problem is in the function "ExtractOptionals" in bind.c. There the
matching of arguments is done in two places with pmatch using a third
argument which is 0. This indicates partial matching and should be
changed so that the third argument is 1 indicating exact matching.
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