R-alpha: signif( small , d) gives NA

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Tue, 27 May 97 17:29:15 +0200

signif(.) is a <primitive> function.

Unfortunately, I couldn't even find WHERE in the source,
  signif(.) is defined.

Here are the symptoms:

xmin <- .Machine $ double.xmin
signif(xmin,3) #--> NA

umach <- unlist(.Machine)[paste("double.x", c("min","max"), sep='')]
for(dig in 1:10) {cat("dig=",dig,": "); print(signif(umach, digits = dig))}

Why do I "complain"?  
	-- it breaks  str(.Machine), now that I've improved 'str'.
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