R-alpha: stop() in batch mode [yes; was not in 0.16.1]

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Wed, 14 May 97 18:58:09 +0200

I do confirm this one  (SunOS + Solaris).

NOTE: The problem does NOT appear in  0.16.1 yet!
>>>>> "Th" == Thomas Lumley <thomas@biostat.washington.edu> writes:

    Th> The batch mode stack imbalances appear to be confined to error
    Th> reporting.  In particular the stop() command seems to trigger them.

    Th> Solaris-gorn% more break.R stop("Breaks R")

    Th> Solaris-gorn% ~/R49 <break.R

    Th> R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.49
    Th> Beta (April 23, 1997)

    Th> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  You are
    Th> welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  Type
    Th> "license()" for details.

    Th> [Previously saved workspace restored]

    >> stop("Breaks R")
    Th> Error: Breaks R Execution halted Error: stack imbalance in
    Th> "unprotect" Execution halted stack imbalance in stop, 2 then 0
    Th> Error: stack imbalance in "unprotect" Execution halted Error: stack
    Th> imbalance in "unprotect" Execution halted stop("Breaks R")

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