R-alpha: several bugs ...

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 20:18:45 +0200

Perhaps I'd better not send any bug reports in order not to delay the
release of 0.50 ... but nevertheless.

R> x <- rnorm(20)
R> y <- rnorm(20)
R> z <- lm(y ~ x)

R> typeof(z)
[1] "list"

R> unlist(z)
[1] 0.07030757

[1] -0.1790483



and many more ending in




Hmm ...


Also, it seems that effects.lm, predict.default for lm objects,
update.lm and even formula.lm do not work.

E.g., predict.default does not take care of the one-arg case (and hence
dies when calling as.matrix on NULL), and in the 2-arg case tries to use
object$intercept and object$covmat which do not exist (in the lm case).

Hmm ... this is not meant as a `usual' passive bug report.  Is anybody
working on fixing these problems?  If not, I am willing to have a look,
but I can't promise that I'll get it done within very soon.

R&R, do we have a scheduled release date for the next version?

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