R-alpha: Bug in tapply in the Windows version of September

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 12:30:08 +0100

Dear Muriel,

the current Unix version of R, 0.60,
has the following definition of  tapply(.).

Can you check if it works for your examples?
If not, please send us a complete example (i.e. with input data, we can
Thank you for your report!

tapply <- function (x, INDEX, FUN=NULL, simplify=TRUE, ...) 
	if (is.character(FUN)) 
		FUN <- get(FUN, mode = "function")
	if (!is.null(FUN) && mode(FUN) != "function") 
		stop(paste("'", FUN, "' is not a function",sep=""))
	if (!is.list(INDEX)) INDEX <- list(INDEX)
	nI <- length(INDEX)
	namelist <- vector("list", nI)
	extent <- integer(nI)
	nx <- length(x)
	group <- rep(1, nx)#- to contain the splitting vector
	ngroup <- 1
	for (i in seq(INDEX)) {
		index <- as.factor(INDEX[[i]])
		if (length(index) != nx) 
			stop("arguments must have same length")
		namelist[[i]] <- levels(index)#- all of them, yes !
		extent[i] <- nlevels(index)
		group <- group + ngroup * (codes(index) - 1)
		ngroup <- ngroup * nlevels(index)
	if (is.null(FUN)) return(group)
	ans <- lapply(split(x, group), FUN, ...)
	if (simplify && all(unlist(lapply(ans, length)) == 1)) {
		ansmat <- array(dim=extent, dimnames=namelist)
		ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE)
	else  {
		ansmat <- array(vector("list", prod(extent)),
			dim=extent, dimnames=namelist)
	ansmat[as.numeric(names(ans))] <- ans

Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>		 <><
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