SUMMARY: R-alpha: Can we "require" 1) GNU make, 2) Perl

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <>
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 18:47:26 +0200

Just to 'clean up' the week,  a summary about my 'RFC' :

The reactions I got (not all went thru  R-devel):

1) perl is ok  (--> new 'R doc/man' format by Fritz Leisch & Kurt Hornik ...)

2) GNU make is not really ok.

 Some people like to use their vendor's make rather than GNU's
	[I myself have changed this behavior a few years ago;
	 here, we all PATH such that GNU's make comes BEFORE Sun's make ..]

==> I'll try not to rely on GNU make at all.

	[[Actually I haven't done too much yet, 
	  just created an  etc/Makefile and
	  moved things from $RHOME/Makefile there..]]

--- Martin
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