R-alpha: R documentation problems

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 10:17:52 +0200

Last week I spent some time going through the Blue Book to figure out
what we are missing and where we are different.  (Results will come in
subsequent emails.)  As a byproduct, here is a list of the documentation
problems I found.

As soon as time and my knowledge of CVS allow, I'll try to fix some of
these ...


* The following man pages are completely missing:


* The documentation for approx needs to be updated to reflect the the
new "constant" method.

* The documentation of approxfun() has an unnecessary xout part.  Also
needs to be updated to reflect the "constant" method.

* Man page for as.name mentions `name', which does not exist

* Man page for call is confusing.  It says,
	We don't differentiate between expressions and function
	    calls.  So is.call is the same as is.expression.
  R> cl <- call("round",10.5)
  R> is.call(cl)
  [1] TRUE
  R> is.expression(cl)
  [1] FALSE

* Man page for function() (and invisible()) is incomplete

* Man page for points() gets formatted strangely

* Man page for split() should consistently talk about `group'
  (The `groups' in USAGE should be `group').

* The documentation of cat() is incomplete:  it has
  cat(... , sep="")
  R> args(cat)
  function (..., file = "", sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL, 
          append = FALSE)

* The documentation of complex() is incorrect:
  complex(n=0, real=numeric(), imag=numeric())
  R> args(complex)
	function (n = 0, real = numeric(), imaginary = numeric())

* Man page for log() is not correct:
  The 2-arg version is not explained

* Man page for matrix() is incomplete:
  The `dimnames' argument is missing

* Man page for mode() is incomplete:
  The assignment form "mode<-" is not documenented

* Man page for stem() has
  stem(x, scale=1)
  R> args(stem)
  function (x, scale = 1, width = 80, atom = 1e-08)
Also, the EXAMPLES section should start with `data(islands)'	

* Man page for storage.mode() is incomplete:
  The assignment form "storage.mode<-" is not documented

* Man page for ts says
  ts(x, start=1, end, frequency=1, deltat=1, ts.eps = .Options$ts.eps)
  R> args(ts)
  function (data = NA, start = 1, end = numeric(0), frequency = 1, 
          deltat = 1, ts.eps = .Options$ts.eps)
(The first arg should	be `data' and not `x'.)

* In the `mva' package, the man page for dist() is not correct
  (The method "binary" is not mentioned.)
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