R-alpha: Re: Pretest Version + Notes --- write.table
Martin Maechler
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Thu, 3 Apr 97 09:50:54 +0200
Kurt writes
KH>> * I am also not sure whether one should include the write.table()
KH>> function I posted some time ago. It seems to be a bad idea to make a
KH>> contrib package out of it (containing only a single function ...).
Yes, I think we should have a good "write" function for data.frames.
However, I would go even further and 'vote' for a GENERIC function 'write'
which has methods for
default (including 'matrix' as long as 'matrix' is not a class)
.... ['ts', ...]
The following is code that I've been using in S-plus for a while and have
adapted to R:
--- Note that it uses something more primitive than Kurt's write.table.
The issue really was to be able to "write a data.frame or matrix" such that
read.table would reproduce it.
write <- function(x, file = "data", ...) UseMethod("write")
write.default <- function (x, file = "data",
ncolumns = if (is.character(x)) 1 else 5,
append = FALSE, ...)
write.matrix(x, file=file, append= FALSE, ...)
write0.basic(x, file = file, ncolumns= ncolumns, append = append)
write0.basic <- function (x, file, ncolumns, append = FALSE)
cat(x, file = file, sep = c(rep(" ", ncolumns - 1), "\n"), append = append)
write.data.frame <- function(x, file = "data", rownames = TRUE)
## Purpose: Method to 'write(.)' such as to read back using read.table(.)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: x : data frame; file : file name
## rownames: if T, also write row names
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>, 1992
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
##-- NOT for "parametrized" data.frames; just ``simple'' matrix look-a-likes
##-- NOTE: read.table(file) may still give different data.frame --
##-- ~~~~ (namely,e.g., when some names contained padding blanks)
##-- But the "new" names may actually be better .. (!) ..
## data(women); write(women, file= "women.dat")
## wm <- read.table("women.dat"))
## all.equal(wm, women) ##> TRUE
if(!is.data.frame(x)) { #-- can only happen when called explicitely
warning("'x' is not a data.frame; coercing it to one ...")
x <- data.frame(x)
cat( names(x), "\n", file = file, append = FALSE)
write0.basic(unclass(t(cbind(if(rownames)row.names(x), as.matrix(x)))),
ncolumns = rownames + ncol(x), file= file, append= TRUE)
write.matrix <- function(x, file = "data", rownames = TRUE)
write(data.frame(as.matrix(x)), file=file, rownames=rownames)
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