[ESS] How to get working Rnw file name inside script

Vincent Goulet V|ncent@Gou|et @end|ng |rom @ct@u|@v@|@c@
Thu May 9 00:17:36 CEST 2024

I'm not sure this is what you're looking for, but here goes. I have been using the following function for a number of years to extract the name of the file from which Sweave is called.

### getSourceName()
##  Extract the name of the file used in the command 'Sweave' calling
##  this function.
##  Value
##  Filename as a character string
getSourceName <- function()
   args <- commandArgs(FALSE)

   ## If Sweave is launched with
   ##   R -e "Sweave('foo.Rnw', ...)"
   ## the expression is one of the arguments and we can extract the
   ## filename.
   if (length(cmd <- grep("Sweave\\(", args, value = TRUE)))
                                 cmd, perl = TRUE)))

   ## If Sweave is launched with
   ##   R CMD Sweave --encoding="utf-8" foo.Rnw
   ## the argument containing the relevant information is a character
   ## string of the form
   ##   nextArg--encoding=utf-8nextArgfoo.Rnw
   ## The arguments are in the order they were entered at the command line.
   if (length(cmd <- grep("^nextArg", args, value = TRUE)))
       return(grep("^--|^$", strsplit(cmd, 'nextArg', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]],
                   invert = TRUE, value = TRUE))

Hope this helps!


Vincent Goulet
Professeur titulaire
École d'actuariat, Université Laval

> Le 28 avr. 2024 à 01:57, Susumu Tanimura via ESS-help <ess-help using r-project.org> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> When using the Stangle() function within an Rnw file to insert an
> entire R code into an appendix of a document, it is necessary to
> provide the working Rnw file name. While manually entering the name is
> a viable option, it would be beneficial for me to implement it within a
> template for Rnw files. 
> My question is how to get working Rnw file name inside script.
> This issue is not directly related to ESS, but the solution must be
> compatible with ESS and Emacs.
> Thank you
> -- 
> Susumu Tanimura
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