[ESS] LSP Help for Downloaded Libraries in R

ThePsychoBuck Thep@ychobuck @end|ng |rom pm@me
Sun Jul 28 16:50:31 CEST 2024

Hello Everyone,

I am a new spacemacs user and don't have much experience with emacs. I recently added R support to it according to spacemacs docs (https://develop.spacemacs.org/layers/+lang/ess/README.html). It is working wonderfully, with just a small problem. The LSP isn't showing help, autocompletion, and other things for packages which aren't in the core package. I tried adding

(setq ess-r-package-library-paths "path")
to user-config in .spacemacs but it didn't helped.

Can you please help me.

Sent from Proton Mail Android

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