[ESS] How to tame a jumpy iESS buffer?

John Haman m@|| @end|ng |rom johnh@m@n@org
Sun Sep 13 04:07:42 CEST 2020

Thanks. I bisected my .emacs and found that that jumpiness is being 
caused by my preferred eldoc setup. I use

   (setq eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p t)

which let's eldoc use more than one mini-buffer line. When the 
minibuffer expands to 2+ lines, the comint buffer jumps.

Maybe you can try enabling this and see if it causes comint jumpiness.

FWIW I'm using Emacs 26.3, and the latest ESS on Melpa.



On 9/12/20 4:13 PM, Jeremie Juste wrote:
> Hello John,
> Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your error. We can try to figure out
> how is Ess working with emacs -Q though.
> - $ emacs -Q
> - then load ess-site. If you installed it with melpa then
>     - (package-initialize)
>     - (ess-site)
> - Do you have the same issue when using IESS?
> Could you please specify the version of emacs and ess you are using? In
> case someone else comes across this problem.
> HTH,
> Jeremie

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