[ESS] Help pops up in web browser

Naresh Gurbuxani n@re@h_gurbux@n| @end|ng |rom hotm@||@com
Fri Feb 21 00:53:12 CET 2020

To display python documentation, I recently installed company-quickhelp.  While it works well for python, my emacs now has an annoying feature in ess-r mode.

When I linger on an R function, emacs launches a new web browser window displaying help for that function.  For example on typing ‘libr’, emacs launches a new browser window displaying documentation for ‘library’.  Moreover, the browser becomes the active application.  

How can this feature be turned off?  I want documentation to be displayed only when asked.  Moreover, I want to see documentation in emacs window.

I am using Windows operating system.


Sent from my iPhone

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