[ESS] "no longer seeing the help files" (was '[R] Adjusting axis labels ..')

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat Oct 15 15:08:17 CEST 2016

On Sat, 15 Oct 2016, Martin Maechler wrote:

> It could be that you've stumbled over the same problem I had stumbled on,
> ca 10 days ago, when I upgraded from emacs 24.x to emacs 25.1 and from
> Fedora 22 to 24 Linux.


   I'm still running Slackware-14.1 on this host with emacs-24.3.

> Somehow, 'stty' settings got changed in my setup, and together with an old
> environment variable default of PAGER=more, and *R* printing help(.) to
> the ESS help buffer using the pager, this also lead to "not appearing help
> pages" (because more is interactive, and was waiting for "page forward"
> inside the ESS help buffer .. yuck !!).

   Yuck, indeed.

> For that reason, in the the development version of ESS (also available
> from MELPA as far as I know), we now do make use of the ess-pager variable
> (again) which defaults to "cat" on Linux, and that *did* solve the above
> problem for me.

   Good to know ...

> BTW: We plan to release  ESS 16.10  in ca. 10 days, so would be happy if
> many of you started to "beta test" it.

   I'll put this on my to-do list.



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