[ESS] how to use Stata in Emacs (with ess)

Sparapani, Rodney rsparapa at mcw.edu
Fri Sep 11 17:58:30 CEST 2015

> sorry I have to run some errands the last two days so I didn't have time for
> the problem.
> I use the shell to check for the executables, stata.exe is the only one. 
> But I did find some thing I think might be the problem. In the ESS manual,
> it says if I use Cygwin bash shell, I should run M-x S RET. but I'm using
> MSDOS prompt shell, so I should run something like M-x S+6-msdos RET.
> what's the proper syntax for running a stata process? I tried M-x
> stata-msdos RET, M-x sta-msdos, and M-x Stata-msdos, none of them works.

Hi Ollie:

There is the rub.  emacs and ESS are designed to work with
applications that you can launch from the command line like *shell* or
S+.  If you can launch stata.exe in a terminal window like cmd.exe and
work with it WITHIN the terminal window, then it will have a chance to
work with emacs/ESS.  That is the way Stata works on Linux.  However,
as I recall, Stata on Windows doesn't work that way; it launches its
own environment.  If that is the case, then you are rather limited to
editing .do files in emacs/ESS and then launching them in some other


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