[ESS] ESS unable to find R on Linux when emacs started by opening a .R file

Stephen Eglen S@J@Eg|en @end|ng |rom d@mtp@c@m@@c@uk
Thu Jul 16 10:11:20 CEST 2015

> A little google searching suggest something similar can affect Mac OS X too
> http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/550/exec-path-and-path so i wonder
> if this is something more to do with Gnome 3.16 and /or how Fedora have it
> and emacs configured.

hi Gavin,
glad we have found the source of the problem (and that it is not
specific to ESS).  It is also not specific to Emacs; as rodney points
out, it is a problem with the environment that your window manager has.
e.g. .bashrc files are not sourced I think by the window managers, so
any settings you have in there won't be applied.

If however you can open from the window manager using emacsclient, you
might get a better experience.


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