[ESS] Emacs taking over CPU (Frank Harrell)

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 00:19:45 CEST 2013

 >> Rodney Sparapani <rsparapa at mcw.edu>
 >> on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:42:41 -0500 wrote:


 > Maybe this is related then.  When I generate a large amount of
 > output in an *R* buffer, it goes very slowly, i.e. several minutes
 > compared to a few seconds in batch.  Of course, here C-g is of no
 > help, but it maybe this is related to my comint setup.

How large your output should be to take so long?

The emacs display is notoriously slow. I have fixed this back in
March. We are now caching output in temporary buffers before flushing
into comint buffer every 0.6 seconds. So, the output speed is pretty
much as fast as emacs can get it. To be more concrete I would need a
concrete example.


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