[ESS] help pops up automatically in browser

Ista Zahn istazahn at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 17:20:44 CEST 2013

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Jannis <bt_jannis at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Thanks, Ista, for your suggestions. without the html help settings, the
> window opens correctly. Is there a way to scroll in these pop up windows
> though?

Not that I know of. These are not meant to be a full-blown replacement
for browsing the help files, rather just to give you a quick peek. BTW
the autocomplete manual answers many of these questions--see


> Cheers
> Jannis
> On 16.04.2013 15:18, Ista Zahn wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Jannis <bt_jannis at yahoo.de> wrote:
>>> I just realized that i send this to emacs-help instead of (as i intended)
>>> ess-help (so sorry for cross posting):
>>> Dear Ess users,
>>> i have recently updated to ESS 12.09-2. Now, as soon as I type any
>>> command
>>> in the console (or in a R script), a browser starts (after few seconds),
>>> displaying the respective html help page of that command. No idea whether
>>> this is caused by the updated ess version or by the autocomplete.el stuff
>>> that i installed recently.
>> They way this is supposed to work is that the help is displayed in an
>> emacs overlay. See http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ESSAuto-complete for
>> screenshots of this in action.
>> In your case this is not working because you told emacs to use html
>> help by setting
>> '(setq inferior-ess-r-help-command "help(\"%s\", help_type=\"html\")\n")'
>>> Is there any way to switch this behaviour off?
>> Yes, set the variable 'ac-use-quick-help' to 'nil'.
>>   Or, better, bind it to a
>>> special key?
>> Yes, you can do something like
>> ;; set long ac-quick-help-delay (don't activate automatically)
>> (setq ac-quick-help-delay 9999)
>> ;; set key to call ac-quick-help manually
>> (define-key ac-completing-map (kbd "M-h") 'ac-quick-help)
>> This will still result in the help page opening in the browser, which
>> is not ideal. My advice would be to use the emacs R help mechanism
>> instead of the html one (i.e., comment out your setq
>> inferior-ess-r-help-command... line).
>> Best,
>> Ista
>>> My .emacs is attached below.
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Jannis
>>> ;;(setq inferior-R-program-name
>>> "c:/progra~1/R/R-2.12.0/bin/i386/Rterm.exe")
>>> (server-start)
>>> ;; Put autosave files (ie #foo#) and backup files (ie foo~) in
>>> ~/.emacs.d/.
>>> (custom-set-variables
>>>    '(auto-save-file-name-transforms '((".*" "~/.emacs.d/autosaves/\\1"
>>> t)))
>>>    '(backup-directory-alist '((".*" . "~/.emacs.d/backups/"))))
>>> ;; create the autosave dir if necessary, since emacs won't.
>>> (make-directory "~/.emacs.d/autosaves/" t)
>>> ;; no line wrap
>>> (setq default-truncate-lines t)
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ess stuff
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;; ess stuff
>>> (require 'ess-site)
>>> ;; turn off echoing of commands
>>> (setq ess-eval-visibly-p nil)
>>> ;;R help
>>> (setq inferior-ess-r-help-command "help(\"%s\", help_type=\"html\")\n")
>>> ;; Enable function argument hint for ESS
>>> (require 'ess-eldoc)
>>> ;;start tracebug
>>> (require 'ess-tracebug)
>>> (add-hook 'ess-post-run-hook 'ess-tracebug t)
>>> ;; Code folding in ess mode
>>> (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
>>>    (lambda()
>>>      (local-set-key (kbd "C-c <right>") 'hs-show-block)
>>>      (local-set-key (kbd "C-c <left>")  'hs-hide-block)
>>>      (local-set-key (kbd "C-c <up>")    'hs-hide-all)
>>>      (local-set-key (kbd "C-c <down>")  'hs-show-all)
>>>      (hs-minor-mode t)))
>>> (autoload 'ess-rdired "ess-rdired"
>>>    "View *R* objects in a dired-like buffer." t)
>>> ;;set up ssh tunelling
>>> (load "~/.emacs.d/ssh.el")
>>> (setq ssh-program "ssh")
>>> ;; In every buffer, the line which contains the cursor will be fully
>>> ;; highlighted
>>> (global-hl-line-mode 1)
>>> ;; ===== Set standard indent to 2 rather that 4 ====
>>> (setq standard-indent 2)
>>> ;; scroll only one line
>>> (setq scroll-step 1)
>>> ;; ========== Support Wheel Mouse Scrolling ==========
>>> (mouse-wheel-mode t)
>>> ;; jump to last line of output
>>> (custom-set-variables
>>>     ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
>>>     ;; ...
>>>     '(comint-move-point-for-output (quote others))
>>>     ;; ...
>>> )
>>> ;; turn off shell command echo
>>> (defun my-comint-init ()
>>>    (setq comint-process-echoes t))
>>> (add-hook 'comint-mode-hook 'my-comint-init)
>>> ;; activate parenthesis matching
>>> (show-paren-mode t)
>>> ;; show tabs
>>> (require 'tabbar)
>>> (tabbar-mode)
>>> ;; ido stuff
>>> (require 'ido)
>>> (ido-mode t)
>>> (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
>>> (setq ido-create-new-buffer 'always)
>>> ;; screen
>>> ;; used to send screen keybindings to shell in emacs
>>> (define-key shell-mode-map (kbd "C-l") (lambda (seq) (interactive "k")
>>> (process-send-string nil seq)))
>>> (define-key inferior-ess-mode-map (kbd "C-l") (lambda (seq) (interactive
>>> "k") (process-send-string nil seq)))
>>> ;; open recent files
>>> (require 'recentf)
>>> (setq recentf-auto-cleanup 'never) ;; disable before we start recentf!
>>> (recentf-mode 1)
>>> 0
>>> ;;disable startup messages
>>> (setq inhibit-startup-message t)
>>> ;; want two windows at startup
>>> (split-window-horizontally)
>>> ;;fullscreen mode
>>> (defun toggle-fullscreen ()
>>>    (interactive)
>>>    (x-send-client-message nil 0 nil "_NET_WM_STATE" 32
>>>                           '(2 "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT" 0))
>>>    (x-send-client-message nil 0 nil "_NET_WM_STATE" 32
>>>                           '(2 "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ" 0))
>>> )
>>> (toggle-fullscreen)
>>> ;;(set-frame-position (selected-frame) 0 0)
>>> ;;(set-frame-size (selected-frame) 180 50)
>>> ;;speed up emacs by removing echoing
>>> (setq ess-eval-visibly-p nil)
>>> ;; Tell emacs where is your personal elisp lib dir
>>> ;; this is the dir you place all your extra packages
>>> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/")
>>> ;;regex tool
>>> (load "regex-tool" t)
>>> ;; bind recent files
>>> (global-set-key "\C-x\C-r" 'recentf-open-files)
>>> ;; clipboard
>>> (setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
>>> ;; show changes
>>> (global-highlight-changes-mode t)
>>> (global-set-key (kbd "<M-down>") 'highlight-changes-next-change)
>>> (global-set-key (kbd "<M-up>")  'highlight-changes-previous-change)
>>> (set-face-foreground 'highlight-changes nil)
>>> (set-face-background 'highlight-changes "#6495ed")
>>> (set-face-foreground 'highlight-changes-delete nil)
>>> (set-face-background 'highlight-changes-delete "#ff8c00")
>>> (global-set-key (kbd "<f6>")      'highlight-changes-visible-mode) ;;
>>> changes
>>> (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
>>> (defun highlight-changes-remove-after-save ()
>>>    "Remove previous changes after save."
>>>    (make-local-variable 'after-save-hook)
>>>    (add-hook 'after-save-hook
>>>              (lambda ()
>>>                  (highlight-changes-remove-highlight (point-min)
>>> (point-max))))))
>>> ;; autocomplete stuff
>>> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/autocomplete/")
>>> (require 'auto-complete-config)
>>> (add-to-list 'ac-dictionary-directories
>>> "~/.emacs.d/autocomplete//ac-dict")
>>> (ac-config-default)
>>> (define-key ac-completing-map [tab] 'ac-complete)
>>> ;;(define-key ac-completing-map [return] nil)
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