[ESS] disabling C-c h bound to ess-handy-commands

Ali Tofigh alix.tofigh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 19:45:08 CEST 2012

I just started using ess 12.09 and noticed that C-c h is now bound to
ess-handy-commands. As far as my (limited) knowledge of emacs
keybindings goes, C-c followed by a letter is reserved for emacs users
to define, i.e., they should not be defined by packages.

I use C-c h globally for the hs-toggle-hiding command. Could someone
tell me how I can set C-c h in ess mode to something other than
ess-handy-commands? using global-set-key in my .emacs doesn't work,
presumably because ess mode overrides that setting when I'm working on
R source files.


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