[ESS] indentation styles

Jack Tanner ihok at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 30 17:22:19 CEST 2012

Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit <at> gmail.com> writes:

> This has been done and will be available in new version of ESS. 

Wow, that was pretty fast. I played around with it, and it doesn't quite do what
I want:

barbarbarbar <- foofoofoofoo(arfarfarfarfarf(

First, the left margin of the indentation depends on the length of the
barbarbarbar and foofoofoofoo identifiers. I just want it to be one indent level
(two spaces).

Second, the closing parens also depend on the length of the barbarbarbar and
foofoofoofoo identifiers. I want them to depend only on the number of relevant
indent levels.

So, something like this:

barbarbarbar <- foofoofoofoo(arfarfarfarfarf(

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