[ESS] renaming processes / buffers

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Mon Aug 9 17:29:40 CEST 2010

hi Dan,

> Am I right in thinking that while we can easily rename the inferior ESS
> buffer, it is not recommended (possible?) to change the underlying
> process names?

Once you associate an source buffer with an inferior ESS buffer, if you
then change the name of the iESS buffer, I think you'd need to update
the name held by the source buffer.

> Let's say I rename the inferior ESS buffer, and then use
> ess-switch-process to start associating R code buffers to
> processes. ess-switch-process offers me completion on the process
> names. Assuming the answer to my question above is yes, would you
> consider a patch which performs completion on the buffer name instead?
> By default this will be very similar (*R:3* vs R:3), but would be
> helpful when one has renamed buffers.

If you already have a patch, sure send it along, otherise I need to
think about other implications.

> Or is there a canonical way to work with renamed inferior ESS sessions
> that I'm not seeing?
Probably not!  I don't think people tend to rename iESS buffers much
(although I might be wrong.)


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