[ESS] ESS buffer eval producing some garbage

tyler tyler.smith at mail.mcgill.ca
Thu Jun 12 14:51:54 CEST 2008

Ronaldo Reis Junior <chrysopa at gmail.com> writes:

> When I user eval buffer on ESS the result is very polluted. For
> example,
> ----------Execution line by line-----------
>> rm(list=ls())
>> source("contstep.R")
>> dados <- read.table("planilhadadosfinal.csv",header=T)
>> names(dados)
>  [1] "dtensac"    "plan"       "bloco"      "ch"         "trat"      
>  [6] "fruto"      "dtcolheita" "peso"       "ntt"        "nbp"       
> [11] "nbg"        "noutin"     "fprt"       "doenca"     "dfgv"      
> [16] "dflv"       "deqt"       "cor"        "tempocolhe" "nflorch"   
>> dtensac <- as.Date(dados$dtensac,format="%d/%m/%y")
> ---------------------------------------------
> But when I execute a buffer or a region the result is:
> --------Execution a region or buffer-----------
>> > > > > > > >  
> [1] "dtensac"    "plan"       "bloco"      "ch"         "trat"      
>  [6] "fruto"      "dtcolheita" "peso"       "ntt"        "nbp"       
> [11] "nbg"        "noutin"     "fprt"       "doenca"     "dfgv"      
> [16] "dflv"       "deqt"       "cor"        "tempocolhe" "nflorch"   
>> > > > 
> ------------------------------------------------
> The execution line by line is OK, but the other produce a terrible
> output. How to fix it?

You need to set ess-eval-visibly-p to a non-nil value. This is a
customizable variable, so you can do this by 

M-x customize-variable <return> ess-eval-visibly-p <ret>

And setting the value to t. I think there is also a way to do this from
the menus as well.

This will get rid of the 'pollution' when you evaluate a buffer or
region. However, it will slow down the process noticeably for large
buffers/regions. You will also notice that by setting this variable to
t, you will see both the commands and their output in your process
buffer, which is the primary reason for this option.



_|_  | _ ._ 

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