[ESS] Using anything.el for R help / object browsing

Vitalie Spinu vitosmail at rambler.ru
Fri Dec 5 15:03:20 CET 2008

Hi ts,

Thanks for bothering sending this kind of emails to us. New features are  
always welcome.
A couple of questions:
a)  anything-c-source-occur   is not found - (Debugger entered--Lisp  
error: (void-variable anything-c-source-occur)) - you said it's very handy  
in you email - what is all about?

b)  anything-c-source-imenu list all function declarations in current  
elisp buffer, could a similar feature be implemented for Rbuffers?? Would  
be great. There was a feature in ess - through menu click you could see  
all functions and objects in your buffer, now I can not find that any  
more, nor interactive functions for that :(.

c) object listing for R process you implemented - could that list be  
sorted (or may be split) accordingly to the type of object?

Many thanks.

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 04:28:00 +0100, ts8 <tshort at epri.com> wrote:

> Anything.el is a great emacs extension. I use anything.el in emacs for  
> buffer
> switching, finding recent files, and file searching on my disk. Here is  
> more
> information on anything:
> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Anything
> It's been called quicksilver for emacs. You can use it for searching and
> much more. I've extended it to act as an R help finder and object  
> browser.
> Part of my .emacs configuration is given below.
> I've attached the configuration I use in my .emacs, but I'm not sure the
> attachment will go through (I'm using nabble to post). In any case, you  
> can
> find it here, too:
> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AnythingSources#toc38
> With this configuration, I hit F12, and it pops up a temporary buffer. In
> that buffer, it lists the current buffers, recent files, R objects, Imenu
> items (including R functions), files in the current directory, occur in  
> the
> buffer (very handy), files on my disk (using locate), and emacs  
> commands. I
> can use the left and right arrows to jump between categories and the up  
> and
> down arrows to move between items. As I type, it narrows the selection to
> match the regular expression entered. For the R objects, if I hit  
> <enter>,
> the default action brings up help on the object (as long as the buffer  
> has
> an associated R process). If I hit tab, I can get more options, and I
> currently implemented head, tail, str, summary, dput, and print. The  
> results
> all appear in their own buffer. This makes it a quick object browser,  
> like
> rdired. It's a mouthful to explain, but it's easy once you see it.
> (require 'anything)   ;; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/anything.el
> (require 'anything-config) ;;
> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/anything-config.el
> (global-set-key [f12] 'anything)
> (setq anything-sources
>       (list anything-c-source-buffers
>             anything-c-source-recentf
>             anything-c-source-R-help
>             anything-c-source-imenu
>             anything-c-source-files-in-current-dir
>             anything-c-source-occur
>             anything-c-source-locate
>             anything-c-source-emacs-commands
> ))
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20847205/R-anything-config.el
> R-anything-config.el

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