[ESS] Does R fix() or edit() work for you these days?]

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Mon Sep 10 20:15:44 CEST 2007

I think Ottorino is looking for page().

page() is similar to edit() in its behavior, since it
opens up an emacs buffer containing the text image of the data.frame.
It differs in an important way.  It doesn't freeze the R process (edit
requires C-x # to save the object back in the running environment).
page() has an additional advantage, it persists for the duration of
the emacs session.  When you use edit(), the buffer vanishes as soon
as it is saved back.  page() satisfies the "source is real" criterion
because it opens a buffer that is not associated with a file.
When the emacs session if closed, the buffer vanishes.


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