[ESS] How to improve ESS syntax high-lighting and shortcuts

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Jun 20 17:07:04 CEST 2007

>>>>> "RRJ" == Ronaldo Reis Junior <chrysopa at gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:50:09 -0300 writes:

    RRJ> Em Quarta 20 Junho 2007 10:05, Neil Shephard escreveu:
    >> This is something you can do yourself, after all, each
    >> person's preference for key chains may differ.
    >> You don't mentinon which OS your using, nor versions of
    >> XEmacs/ESS/R, so I'm assuming your on a *NIX system, if
    >> your on M$-windows then you will likely have to add it to
    >> _emacs, not sure on the location of that file though.
    >> Simply add the following constructs to your ~/.emacs file
    >> and modify them for your desired commands
    >> (define-key keymap "keystroke" 'command-name)
    >> (global-set-key "keystroke" 'command-name) (local-set-key
    >> "keystroke" 'command-name)
    >> You will have to substitute 'keymap', 'keystroke' and
    >> 'command-name' in the above lines to reflect your desired
    >> key-mappings.
    >> Neil

    RRJ> Thanks Neil,

    RRJ> I put this line and it work for comment

    RRJ> (define-key ess-mode-map "\C-d" 'comment-region)

    RRJ> Now I try to make the C-Shift-d to uncomment, but the
    RRJ> uncomment-region command dont exist, it is made by C-u
    RRJ> before the comment-region command. It is possible to
    RRJ> make this or I need to use C-u C-d to make my code
    RRJ> uncommented?

As Rich Heiberger has suggested, I think
you should really rather get accustomed to using  M-;

I hope that works in Xemacs as well as it has always in (GNU)


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