[ESS] minor glitch switching from Xemacs to Gnu Emacs

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Wed May 31 19:43:35 CEST 2006

good move!

You probably don't have font-lock mode on in the myfile.R buffer.  You can turn it
on just this time with
   M-x font-lock-mode
I always want it on so I have the line

  (global-font-lock-mode 1)

in my .emacs file.

The mode line
    (ESS [S] [none])
says you haven't connected the myfile.R file to the running R process yet.
In the myfile.R buffer, place the cursor on a line that you want to send
to the *R* buffer, enter
  C-c C-n
You will be asked which process to send it to and it will suggest *R*.
Press enter.

C-c C-n sends over one line
C-c C-r sends over a highlighted region
C-c C-p sends over a paragraph (defined as continuous set of lines
surrounded by a blank line at top and bottom).

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